Adventures in Knitting

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Where did September go?

I am not sure what happened to September. I can't really remember what I have been doing and I fear things will be the same for October.

Although I have several things on the needles I am currently dividing my time between this cardigan and some Thuja socks for my grandmother.

The socks are moving along pretty fast. I am using Trekking sock yarn. I have cast on 68 stitches and done k1p1 twisted rib for the cuff. I hope to have these socks finished soon so I can send them off to her. My grandmother was very thrilled when I gave her the Forest Canopy shawl I had knit for her, so I'm really motivated for these socks. I really like the idea of giving her warmth. This way I can give her some comfort, even when I don't see her very often.

Last week I received some very pretty yarn from Claudia at Tausendschoen. Ever since I received them I've kept them next to my bed so I could look at the pretty colors. I can't wait to knit with this yarn.

I hope October will inspire me to more blog posts than September did. Happy Socktoberfest!

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